Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 1

Phew, day 1 is over! I realized something today: I like meat and I like sugar. I do not, however, like vegetables! This morning was fine, had my shake and supplements and went to school. I brought mini bell peppers, celery, plums, beets and a tangerine with me for lunch/snacks. They were gone by 11:30 and I still had another 5 hours to go! I was in the library eating my lunch and studying and somebody brought in their lunch of re-heated leftover roasted chicken and it smelled absolutely amazing, after that my stomach would not stop growling (and hasn't stopped yet) for real food. When I got home I made a salad of brocolli slaw with fresh pureed blueberries and strawberries and was forcing myself to eat it when somebody in the apartment complex started grilling something that smelled fantastic. I kept eating my slaw. I baked a sweet potato for dinner as well, cut it in half and realized it was bad - it was the thing I was looking forward to all day. Isn't that sad? When the hilight of the day is a sweet potato? Sheesh. Anyway, I also caramalized some onions (not really sure if that's okay or not but I didn't use any sugar like I normally would) to put ontop of the the sweet potato. I ate them plain and they were probably my favorite thing I've eaten today. I like fruit but you're supposed to have at least twice as much vegetable as fruit.

So other than wanting food and something besides water to drink I think I did okay today. I noticed I was sweating most of the day and I've been absolutely exhausted. I am having a bit of a struggle with reading comprehension and I would imagine it's due to low blood sugar. I'm a little grumpy tonight but not too bad, I think it's primarily because our downstairs neighbor was a jerk to Laura today and I wish I was there so I could have told him where to stick it.

So there you have it, 1 down, 20 to go. Goo.

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