Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day 4

This marks the end to day 4 of the cleanse. Today went quite well, had a decent amount of energy throughout the day and got a lot done. It's 11:15 now and I'm starting to get pretty tired but I feel like my energy level has definitely been "up there" today. One thing I will point out that if you have done this cleanse will know exactly what I'm talking about: gas. I've heard people joke about vegetarians having a lot of gas but this is getting downright ridiculous. It's not room clearing or anything but it is constant! That is the main thing I just can't get over right now... I asked a vegetarian friend how long it takes for your body to get used to it's new diet and the gas subsides and she laughed at me and said, "never!" Sweet. So there you have it, something to look forward to when you try the cleanse.

Another thing that I noticed today is that I kept reaching for food I can't have. Not that I was going to cheat on the diet or anything, just that I was being absentminded and wasn't really paying attention. I haven't cheated (intentionally or accidently) yet and do not plan on it. I decided from the get-go I was going to do this 100% and don't see much point in giving in and possibly compromising the results of the cleanse.

Tonight for dinner I had excellent stuffed green peppers. They were filled with brown rice, bean sprouts, onions and tomatoes. Doesn't sound all that great but I really enjoyed them; wierd, eh?

Anyway, today went very well and I didn't seem to notice being hungry or grumpy or having any difficulty with mental clarity. Everything seems to be going very well. Let's hope it continues this way!

On a side note Laura crushed my motivation today (not really). For some reason I had it in my head that I could have meat on day 8; she informed me it's not until day 11. What a bummer...

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