Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day 13

So Monday was day 13 and I am sure glad I can have protein (besides in my shake) now. Laura made a great roasted chicken tonight with steamed vegetables and it was pretty darn fantastic! I was on the phone tonight with my Mom and she asked me about why I haven't commented on bowel movements. Well, the answer is pretty simple: I don't really like talking about my or anybody else's poop. She asked me to do it anyway so here it is. I have not been constipated or had diarrhea, my stool has been soft and moist and plentiful. One thing I've noticed is that the quantity is much greater than before. So there you have it Mom, any more you need to know about my poop? ;-)

Felt pretty good today, not too tired. Had a big exam this morning at school that I hope went alright, I should find out tomorrow hopefully. Anyway, everything seems to be going well with the cleanse. And Mom, you have 5lbs of whey protein en route to your house for when you do the cleanse...

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