Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 21

It's over! Holy crap I can't believe its already done with... I must say, I was getting pretty tired of the diet! I don't mind taking supplements but dangit I was tired of vegetables! Tomorrow I will try not to binge and undo all the good that's been done but no promises...

I will post my concluding comments tomorrow, I am way too tired tonight, but I just wanted to share how excited I am that this is over and how glad I am that I did it. If nothing else, I weighed in tonight at 198.6 meaning I lost 17.8 pounds in 21 days by just changing my diet - no excercise. I know you're supposed to do light exercise and walk during the cleanse I just really didn't have time. I can only imagine the difference if I had! I am hoping to go mountain biking a couple times a week and get in better shape.

By the way, for those of you that know me, I haven't been under 200lbs since I had the portion of my thigh removed. I went into the ER weighing around 195 and came out at 218. They said it was just water weight from the saline but I can't imagine they put that much saline in me... Anyway, I've worked out since then and have not been able to lose the weight. So I'm pretty excited to be under 200 again and would like to get down to my target weight of 175 but we'll see about that.

Anyway, just wanted to make a "day 21" post and let you all know that I finished!

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